Chapter 1: Project Overview

Background of the Study

Evolution of technology where did all begun? According to Antonio M. Anass (2003), humans communicated only through speaking and drawing known as “aspetrogiyths” which means sign/simple figures carved in rocks. Humans used symbols to represent ideas or concepts called “ideographs”.

In addition Raynolds (2010) says “A number of advances in information technology such as surveillance cameras, facial recognition software and satellite based systems that can pinpoint a person’s physical location – provide exciting new data gathering capabilities”.

Information Technology deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to recover, store and convey the information acquired for the assistance of individuals in.. [read more]

Chapter 2: Methodology

Phases of the Study

The study makes use of descriptive research. Qualitative study is focused on the worth of observations made rather than numbers. All data are analyzed qualitatively by searching from the internet and books from the libraries and also by having interviews in.. [read more]

Chapter 3: Results, Analysis and Interpretation of Data and Information

Phases of the Study

This chapter represents the data on improving the security system of University of Baguio via CCTV. Interviewees of the study were from the University of Baguio, School of Information Technology who were randomly requested to answer the following questions: (1) “How important us the CCTC if the University of Baguio has implemented this? Why?” (2) “What are the characteristics of a safe environment?” and (3) “What are the problems being solved during installation?”.

Three students and one instructor cooperated in the study by answering.. [read more]

Chapter 4: Conclusions and Recommendations


On the importance of CCTVs, respondents were asked on how important CCTVs will be if they were to be implemented by the school. The study found out that all respondents are in favor of the implementation of CCTVs and that it can cite different negativities and unwanted behaviours that can disturb peace and order. If CCTVs are well placed and maintained, crime rates will drastically be reduced.

On the characteristics of a safe environment, study shows that protection is taken priority and that they can move with ease. Maintaining discipline with proper guidance constitutes to a crime-free environment. In addition, happiness and contentment are also factors in maintaining a safe environment. Allowing students, faculty and guests to disregard.. [read more]

Chapter Summary


CCTVs are initially developed as means of security for banks and casinos; with technologies rapid improvement, it has also been developed to the point where it is simple and cost-effective enough to be used with Home Security Systems, and for everyday surveillance.

The rate of criminal activities in an institution is random. Cost of criminal activity cannot also be determined accurately and can disrupt people physically and mentally.

Man-power isn’t enough to provide all-out security in an area. Facilities should be well protected from unwanted criminal behaviours and that it will not also cause much of interference at work. CCTV solves the problem in reliability and stability of a workplace. Providing direct real-time security and.. [read more]


Since the researchers are also students of the university, they will try to progress the security system of the school and find solutions to security issues in the university.